"A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and you just have to let go."
void *Fint xreturn void *P*x*x*定义一个无类型函数,它有返回值,只是返回的值是指向无类型数据的指针* void mainprintfquot%d\nquot,intF1+3*将无类型函数F返回的指针值通过int 少妇淫水骞虫箹鐧介噾姹夌埖ktv鍏富浠蜂綅鐨勬嫾闊?ping hu bai jin han jue ktvgong zhu jia wei 鏂板崕绀句笂娴?鏈?鏃?ri)鐢?杩戞棩,涓叡(gong)涓績銆佸浗鍔¢櫌(yuan)鍗板彂浜嗐€婅川閲忓己鍥芥壎妞嶇翰棰嗐€?